The Core of a Leader

The qualities we keep, invest in, and work on aid or hinder the success of our leadership. They dictate how we approach problems, make decisions, foster growth, communicate with and inspire others, and ultimately lead.

So, how do you influence others and get them to positively respond to your direction?

While there are numerous characteristics involved in the making of a leader, these 3 are what we see as a leader’s internal compass and therefore should be regarded as core leadership standards.

Core Leadership Standard #1:
Lead with Integrity

adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty

Having and keeping your integrity is the gateway to the trust of not only your employees but that of your clients, partners, and investors as well. As a leader, you are not only judged on your competence but also your character. 

Trust is not the only benefit of integrity but research shows it increases workplace performance, improves employee satisfaction, and fosters an environment of integrity and loyalty.

Answer the following questions to see how/if integrity is woven into how you lead:

  1. Do I follow through on what I say I am going to do?

  2. Do I take ownership of my mistakes?

  3. Do what I say and how I act align?

  4. Do I take accountability for the decisions I make?

  5. Do I create space for trust through my actions?

  6. Do I set a good example?

Core Leadership Standard #2:
Lead with Intent

something that is planned, proposed, or intended; purpose; design; intention

It’s easy to fall into the routine of work - just wanting to make it through the day in order to make another dollar - but it’s important to remember that as a leader your intentions can easily spread. You need to be aware of your thoughts, actions, and responses. 

While your mission may communicate your organization’s purpose, intention provides the space for employees to know the impact their role plays while also recognizing their value. It helps create an empowered, motivated, proud, and inspired team able to maximize their potential.

Like integrity, intention-based leadership has a positive ripple effect in the workplace - impacting performance, work ethic, company culture, and satisfaction. 

Answer the following questions to see how/if intent is woven into how you lead:

  1. How does your presence affect a room’s tone?

  2. Do you honor people’s time by sticking to and communicating a meeting's intention?

  3. Do you empower your direct reports to execute on intent utilizing their own methods?

  4. Do you spend time talking and listening about your team’s accomplishments? 

  5. Have you created a space in which your team feels safe to work through problems and arrive at their own solutions and ideas?

  6. Do you encourage feedback, criticism, ideas, and sharing?

Core Leadership Standard #3:
Lead with Purpose

the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.

Behind profits there is a purpose: the why, the mission, the values, the vision. The same is true with successful leaders. Purpose serves as your compass for navigating today’s business environment while leading your actions, decisions, and conversations. 

Purpose-driven leadership unites, attracts, engages, inspires, and motivates others. This enables direct reports to find meaning and higher levels of fulfillment in their work - increasing job satisfaction and loyalty. 

Answer the following questions to see how/if purpose is woven into how you lead:

  1. Do you know your “why”?

  2. Is your purpose aligned with the organization’s?

  3. Are you led by your values?

  4. Do your daily actions align with your purpose?

  5. Do you place the needs of the collective before yourself?

  6. Have you led others to discover their purpose and helped to align it to the organization’s?

  7. How do you serve others?

How the Inner Circle Builds Leaders

Being a great leader takes continual awareness, commitment, work, and investment. At the Inner Circle, we know how important and impactful a great leader can be, and that is why we make the commitment of investing in their growth. Outside our monthly leadership lunches we host an annual Spring Summit, the Leadership Launch, designed to help leaders thrive.

We invite you to join us on May 4th for this day of growth, learning, and networking. Register here >

Kim Kleeman