3 Secrets to Building a Network That Brings You Sales Opportunities

What a title! What if it were that simple? What if you (yes, YOU) could develop a network of people who keep you and your business front of mind when they’re out there meeting with others? A network that is aware of your services and can recommend you to a client or prospective client who has a need outside the scope of what they themselves offer. A network like this requires building rapport and building credibility. It requires having broader conversations beyond just a sales conversation. 

So that’s Secret #1: Care about the person to whom you are selling your product or service. I know, I know – you have a quota to meet, goals to hit, calls to make, coffees to have… It’s all a numbers game. And it is, but the secret to keeping the numbers low (and the return high) is that you don’t just pass by each person once and leave it at that. You identify with them, find commonalities, and begin to build their confidence in your approach and value. Then business begins flowing to you – and through you to others. 

Remembering those details the next time you meet with someone is key to building that rapport. For those of you who don’t have this as a natural talent or skill, utilize that little computer you carry around in your pocket all day and enter notes into the contacts, CRM, or a spreadsheet. It makes a difference. 

Secret #2 is a bigger one. It’s about your reputation: Do you know your reputation as a referral partner? Is it good, bad, or ugly – or are you afraid to ask and find out? 

If you aren’t sure how people perceive you as a referral partner, ask those who’ve known you for a while: What are the things I am known for as a professional? Or even, If there was one way I could make our partnership better, what would it be? Then sit back with an open heart and open ears and listen for the good stuff. Critical feedback makes you a better salesperson – maybe even a better person all around! Perhaps make a note to yourself so you don’t forget to focus more on these things in your subsequent meetings. Your follow-through will go a long way in building rapport and credibility.

Secret #3: Be the person you would want to work with. As you approach networking meetings, decide what you want to be remembered for. Kindness? Clarity? Directness? Are you showing up as a Giver, or a Taker? In a network, people ask each other about the other members and their companies. What do you want them to say about you and yours? One excellent way to be someone other people want to work with is to be open, enthusiastic, curious, and to take initiative. In a word: ASK. Ask for intros, ask for help, ask for a favor. If you don’t ask, most likely it won’t happen. 

No matter what you’re selling, having a network of people who think you’re awesome is the key to building a great roster of clients. Consider membership or attending an IC event to sharpen your skills and broaden your network!

Kim Kleeman