An Annual Checklist in 15 Minutes

Anyone can set goals. But what are we trying to get to with our goals? For starters, we’re most likely trying to provide for ourselves and families; secondly, we are also reaching for our dreams. 

As this year wraps, my hope is to set you up for NEXT year’s goals so that your next annual check-in is even more effective. 

If you can answer these questions this year, fantastic! But if you find yourself at a loss and scratching your head, that’s okay. Let’s make a plan to check back in a year. In the meantime, use these prompts to prepare your goals for the next 12 months:

Check- In

  • What are your core values? Can you name them clearly and quickly? Do those words show up in your marketing? On your LinkedIn?

    • Don’t have an answer? Take time to articulate your core values and place them prominently. Create a monthly check-in on those core values. (I like to use the passion planner for this reason.) 

  • How are you managing the reality you live vs. the dream life you want to live? Are you working towards it? Do you feel stuck? What can you do to move closer to that big dream? 

    • Don’t have an answer? Take time to identify dreams by creating a vision board. Get clear and let others know you’re going for it!

  • Where can you make a positive impact in your life? Don’t wait to coach that little league team; let’s incorporate it into your life right now. Want to design a schedule that allows you to walk your daughter to the bus each morning? Let’s make it happen.  

    • Don’t have an answer? Find ways to fill your own cup by helping others. Where will you volunteer your time this year?

  • Are you working in your most productive mode? If not, what do you need to do to get on that right track? 

    • Don’t have an answer? Look back at your most productive moments and identify the environmental, emotional, and physical factors that contributed to your success. How can you create more of those conditions?

  • What are your positive coping mechanisms for managing stress and anxiety? How can you do more of these and less of the negative ones that so easily take over? 

    • Don’t have an answer? Take stock of your habits and try to make better choices each week, even small ones. They really add up!

  • How are you going to grow and be better this year? What reminders will you set to keep yourself accountable? 

    • Don’t have an answer? Create an action timeline as your first goal. What can you get done in the next 30/60/90 days? Need more clarity? This checklist can help.

  • What are some ways to reward yourself for reaching those goals?

    • Don’t have an answer? Plan some rewards in advance. It’s so important to take time to acknowledge your progress. 

I hope this provides you with some food for thought, a solid direction, and perhaps a different take on the classic business check-in. No matter where you are in your career or business, there are always ways to improve and move forward. I know you can do it. I believe in you!

Kim Kleeman