Coming Full Circle: How to Network More Meaningfully

Happy New Year! 

This blog isn’t about how you need to get up, get going, and make those meetings. Actually, we hope you did some of that work last month, and have meetings on your calendar already. 

The topic we want to dive a bit deeper into is the why of it all. Why are you networking? And why are your connections networking? Not everyone is looking for the same thing. Understanding what each connection wants is uber important to getting what you want. It’s essential to both give and get in your networking. 

Try this approach:

  • Look at who you are meeting in the next month

  • Make a meaningful introduction for them BEFORE your meeting

  • Follow up with a challenge to be more proactive 

  • Plan a second meetup date to bring one or two referrals with real potential

  • At future meetings, set a goal for each person to give at least one referral

Make some time this month to help others. I recently received the book The Go-Giver as a gift from Coach Ed Breclaw, a great consultant, and it explains this idea very clearly. 

Are you looking for Power Partners, or possibly consultants who work with large companies? We have members working in these areas. 

Are you interested in working with and supporting nonprofits? We have a new Nonprofit Mastermind Circle this year, that works with leaders of amazing organizations to grow and support them.

Some people come to our events to broaden their network as they search for a new career, or they’ve just left corporate and want to meet others. Our community is filled with people looking to both give and get. Expect to encounter all types of opportunities at our virtual events! 

Perhaps your new year’s resolution is to get out there more. Consider this your invitation to come check us out! 

Kim Kleeman